Instruction to the Authors

Bangladesh Journal of Weed Science (BJWS) is a half-yearly journal of the Weed Science Society of
Bangladesh (WSSB) published in June and December every year. The journal publishes original research
papers, short communications and review articles in the field of weed science.

The following guidelines should be followed strictly in submitting the manuscript of the paper:

1. The manuscript should be written in English (MS Word) using Times New Roman with font size 12
and typed on a good quality (A 4 size) paper with double spacing with sufficient margins. It should be
limited preferably within ten typewritten pages (for full paper) including tables, graphs, figures
references etc. For shot communication it should not exceed more than four pages.
2. Preparation of the manuscript should confirm to the style of the journal. Each paper should be
submitted in duplicate along with a soft copy to the Executive Editor, Bangladesh Journal of Weed
Science, Department of Agronomy, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh. (E-mail:
3. The manuscript should contain the following sections in sequence: Title, Abstract, Introduction,
Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any) and
References. These sub titles, however, will not be applicable in case of short communication.
4. The title of the paper should be brief and specific. The manuscript will have a separate title page giving
title of the paper, author’s name and address and a running head. The second page should carry the title
of the paper with Abstract (maximum 200 words) to be followed by Introduction, etc.
5. The Introduction should be concise and precise relevant to the clearly defined objective(s) of the study
and should include relevant literature.
6. The paper should contain minimum number of tables, graphs and figures and these should be placed on separate sheets. The same data should not be used in both tables and graphs. The photographs should be submitted on glossy paper.
7. Citation of references in the text should be made within brackets quoting author’s surname and year of
publication in the appropriate place, e.g. (Islam, 2008), (Roy and Amin, 2007). Two or more references
when put within the same bracket should be separated by a comma. If there are more than two authors,
the surname of the first author should be cited followed by et al. However, the names of all author’s
should appear in the reference list. References should be arranged alphabetically according to author’s
surname at the end of the manuscript. All references should begin with the author’s name that followed
by the year, title of the paper, abbreviated name of the journal (in italics), Volume (Issue): and page
number. In case of books the names of publishers should be given. Some examples are shown below:
Journal Reference:
Negi, S. C. 1992. Effect of nitrogen and phosphors in temperate hill grown vegetable pea. Indian J. Agron.
37(3): 619-620.
Marwat, K. B. and Nafziger, E. D. 1990. Cocklebur and velvetleaf interference with soybeans grown at
different densities and planting patterns. Agron. J. 82(3): 531-534.
Mehra, S. P., Brar, L. S. and Sharma, K. K. 1995. Weed Management in spring planted sugarcane. J. Res.
32(1): 11-18.

Book Reference:
Zimdahl, R. L. 1993. Fundamentals of Weed Science. Academia Press Inc., 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego,
California. 450pp.
8. After peer-review, The author(s) must submit the revised paper along with the responses to the reviewer. Final galley proofs, will be sent to corresponding authors. No alternations or additions in the text are desirable at this stage. Decision of the Editorial Board on any paper will be the final.
9. For publication of each accepted paper the author(s) shall have to pay Tk. 1500.00 for full paper and
Tk. 800.00 for short communication of which contributors shall have to pay an amount of Tk. 300.00
during submission of the paper for the purpose of reviewing the same. Editorial board, if necessary,
may charge extra cost for including photographs.